Posts tagged ‘beginner’

Are You Experienced?

We get comments from people getting readings that “the readers were really gifted”. Yes, they are, but a short time ago, they were just like you – their gifts were buried under layers of old energy or set aside because it wasn’t safe to express them.

You are psychic. You have every psychic ability that you have ever heard of. The difference between you and someone else is your ability to access your own information and the stage of growth you’re in. For example, when learning to play a musical instrument, you may have a great “feel” for it, but not much experience. You are having easy access to your information, but you’re a beginner.

It is possible to take steps in both areas. You learn how it works for you, and you get more experience.

The challenge for many of us is letting ourselves be a beginner. – to learn as we go and to have fun as we create our path and experience our growth.

The rewards are amazing. You are already psychic. Come on in and we can help you learn to access and direct your gifts.

September 2011

August 30, 2011 at 12:44 pm Leave a comment

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